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Wordless Wednesday #31: Berapa Gaji Korang? (tetibe)


Sabrina Tajudin said…
10k would be (maybe) enough for me... hahahaha! so true about the pictures, i sometimes wonder if i have kids, i dont want pressure them to get all A's as long as they know how to be a real people.
Unknown said…
hahaha tau xpe betul2 setuju! jom tgk wordless gua plak ;p
mieya said…
takde gaji. haha
saerah80 said…
haha true true....
Razf said…
@Sabrina Tajudin

a'ah kan.. nnt pressure plak
Razf said…
@Gua Tertidur

hehe.. wordless wednesday ang dahsyatt
Unknown said…
@RazFiRa bukan dasat lagi tapi membunuh! hahahaha
Nora Karim said…
hmmm.... susah nak komen ni... heheh
Hanie Dew said…
Oh man the picture describes the reality..
Razf said…
@Gua Tertidur

post panas je sume ko yek..haha